MOOG-SUB 37 TRIBUTE EDITION - Owned by 'CATS in SPACE' Modern day classic 'Mini-Moog' in custom touring flightcase, although only actually used in the recording studio...
This amazing synthesizer is owned by CATS IN SPACE, and was used on 'Day Trip to Narnia' their third studio album.
It was also featured in the video for 'Thunder in the Night' & 'Johnny Rocket'
If you check out the videos on youTube you can see it being played by whiz kid ( the great Arthur Askey's grandson) keyboardist Andy Stewart.
We are selling this on behalf of the band who already own a more delicate original, two is too many!
It is a STUNNING piece of kit. Immaculate condition, never gigged, and only transported to and from the recording studios
The case is also pretty much MINT, and was made for the Moog.
Already becoming very collectable, truly a piece of genuine rock history of the CiS!
Moog Subsequent 37 Analogue Synthesizer Main Features
All the controls and features found on the Sub 37 Tribute Edition
Richer low end and greater sonic dimension
Multidrive offers a wider range and is dirtier than ever before
More headroom means Duo mode sounds even better
New lightweight 37 note keybed with swift action and aftertouch.
Extensive modulation and sequencing with an ultra-powerful arpeggiator
Free software editor which works as a DAW plugin or as a standalone editor
The Subsequent 37's control panel is home to 40 knobs and 74 switches, placing a vast array of analogue sound-design tools and onboard sequencing options immediately at your command. The Subsequent 37 improves upon its source through the implementation of a number of user-requested sonic and functional enhancements. Each enhancement maintains the magic and character of its predecessor while also providing access to new dimensions of sound and improved playability.
The Subsequent 37 mixer section has double the headroom of that in the Sub 37 Tribute Edition. This provides access to a new range of classic clean tones in both mono and duo performance modes. Leveraging the mixer's newfound flexibility, gain-staging in the Ladder filter has been reshaped to boost harmonic saturation and analogue compression, resulting in an overall richer low end. Completing the sonic evolution of the Subsequent 37 is a re-tuned Multidrive circuit that extends well beyond the grit and growl of the original Sub 37.
In addition to the sound engine augmentation, each Subsequent 37 comes with an upgraded keybed for improved playability, a high-powered headphone amplifier strong enough to drive the most demanding headphones, and a software plugin/editor for both Windows and Mac platforms.
Moog Sub 37 Specifications
SOUND ENGINE: 100% analogue
POLYPHONY: Selectable Monophonic or Paraphonic
KEYBED: 37-note Semi-weighted with After Pressure
LCD: 128 X 64 pixel LCD with white backlight
CONTROLLERS: Pitch Bend, Mod Wheel, After Pressure, Velocity
SOUND SOURCES: 2 Variable Waveshape Oscillators, 1 Square Wave Sub Oscillator, 1 analogue Noise Generator, 1 External Input/Filter Feedback
OSCILLATOR CALIBRATION RANGE: 22Hz-6.8KHz. Note range at 8' = 18 - 116
GLIDE MODULE: Assign to Osc1/Osc2/Both. Type - LCR, LCT, EXP, Gated, Legato
FILTER: 20Hz-20KHz Moog Ladder Filter w/ 6/12/18/24 dB/Oct Filter Slopes and MultiDrive
TRANSPOSITION: +/- 2 Octaves
ARPEGGIATOR/SEQUENCER: Up, Down, Order, Random, Latching, Back/Forth, Invert, +/-2 Range, Tie, Rest, MIDI Sync, 64-note sequencer
SOURCES: LFO (Triange, Square, Saw, Ramp, Sample & Hold), Filter EG/PGM
PROGRAMMABLE SOURCES: Amp Env, Constant ON, Sine LFO, Noise LFO, Osc 1 Pitch, Osc 2 Pitch, Seq Note, Seq Vel, and Seq Mod.
DESTINATIONS: Osc 1 Pitch, Osc 2, Osc 1 & 2 Pitch, Filter, LFO Rate, VCA Level, Osc 1 Wave, Osc 2 Wave, Osc 1 & 2 Wave, Noise Level, EG Time/PGM
PROGRAMMABLE DESTINATIONS: Filter Resonance, Filter Drive, Filter Slope, Filter Env Amount, Filter Keyboard Amount, Osc 1 Level, Sub Osc Level, Osc 2 Level, External In/Feedback Level, Osc 1 On, Sub Osc On, Osc 2 On, Noise On, External In/Feedback On, Arp Rate, Arp Clock Division, Arp Range, Arp Back/Forth, Arp Ends, Arp Invert, Arp Gate Length, Arp Run, Glide Time, Glide OSC Choice, Glide Type, Glide Gate, Glide Legato, Glide On, LFO 1 Clock Division, LFO 1 Range, LFO 1 Sync, LFO 1 Keyboard Reset, LFO 1 Keyboard Track, Mod 1 Pitch Amount, Mod 1 Filter Amount, Mod 1 Programmable Amount, Mod 1 Programmable Destination, LFO 2 Clock Division, LFO 2 Range, LFO 2 Sync, LFO 2 Keyboard Reset, LFO 2 Keyboard Track, Mod 2 Pitch Amount, Mod 2 Filter Amount, Mod 2 Programmable Amount, Mod 2 Programmable Destination, Osc 1 Oct, Osc 2 Sync, Osc 2 Keyboard Reset, Osc 2 Oct, Osc 2 Keyboard Control, Osc 2 DUO Mode, Osc 2 Freq, Osc 2 Beat Freq, Filter Env Attack, Filter Env Decay, Filter Env Sus, Filter Env Release, Filter Env Delay, Filter Env Hold, Filter Env Vel Amount, Filter Keyboard Track, Filter Env Multitriggering, Filter Env Reset, Filter Env Sync, Filter Env Loop, Filter Env Latch, Amp Env Attack, Amp Env Decay, Amp Env Sus, Amp Env Release, Amp Env Delay, Amp Env Hold, Amp Env Vel Amount, Amp Keyboard Track, Amp Env Multitriggering, Amp Env Reset, Amp Env Sync, Amp Env Loop, Amp Env Latch, Output Volume, Bend Up, and Bend Down.
LFO PANEL FEATURES: Hi/Low Range from .01Hz–1kHz, MIDI Sync, KB Reset
ENVELOPES: DAHDSR Envelopes with Multi-Trigger, Reset, Looping, MIDI Sync, Latch, and Variable control of EG Delay, Hold, Velocity Amount, KB Tracking.
AUDIO OUTPUT: 1xTS, 1xTRS Headphone with separate volume control
PRESETS: 256 Presets - 16 Banks x 16 presets
MIDI I/O: DIN In/Out, and MIDI over USB
CV/GATE INPUTS: Filter CV, Pitch CV, Volume CV, KB Gate
CV/GATE OUTPUTS: 4x Assignable CV, 2x Assignable Gate
CV DESTINATIONS: KB Pitch (is also sequence pitch), Velocity, Aftertouch, Mod 1,
Mod 1x Ctrl, Mod 2, Mod 2 x Ctrl, Filter EG, Amp EG, Pitch Wheel, Mod Wheel, Seq Mod, Duo Pitch.
GATE DESTINATIONS: KB Gate (is also sequence gate),Ext. Gate, Arp/Seq Clock, Arp/Seq Run/Stop, Arp/Seq Step 1 Trig, Filt EG Trigger, Amp EG Trigger, LFO 1 Rate, LFO 2 Rate.
DIMENSIONS (H X W X D): 171.45 x 679.45 x 374.65 mm/ 6.75 x 26.75 x 14.75 inches
WEIGHT: 9.9 Kg / 22 lbs
POWER: 110VAC-240VAC Universal Power Supply with IEC connector